Ciao Elizabeth! 🇬🇧 🇮🇹Graduation Ceremony International School: il discorso della prof.ssa Elizabeth Valeriani

In ricordo della professoressa Elizabeth Valeriani, venuta a mancare in questi giorni, riproponiamo il discorso che aveva pronunciato per la classe di diplomati IB del 2021, mettendo in luce, ancora una volta, quanto amasse i suoi ragazzi e quanto contasse la scuola per lei.
Quando qualcuno viene a mancare, la parte difficile non è per chi ci lascia, ma per chi resta; l’amore, però, è più forte del dolore e della perdita…
Questo è il nostro modo di renderle omaggio, immaginandola ancora una volta tra i suoi allievi.
Ciao Elizabeth, i tuoi studenti e i tuoi colleghi ti terranno nel cuore!

Venerdì 21 maggio si è svolta, presso l’Auditorium della scuola, la cerimonia di diploma degli studenti dell’International, giunti al termine del loro percorso di studi.

E’ stato un momento di condivisione e di incontro dopo molti mesi che ci hanno tenuti distanti; rettore, insegnanti, alunni e genitori hanno potuto celebrare insieme un importante traguardo.

Hanno partecipato alla cerimonia anche gli studenti della classe di diplomati dello scorso anno, che purtroppo non avevano avuto modo di celebrare in presenza i loro successi, a causa della pandemia.

Riportiamo il commovente discorso tenuto dalla prof.ssa Elizabeth Valeriani, che si è rivolta direttamente a ciascuno dei ragazzi.

“Class 2021:

My speech to you should be about effort, and focus and pursuing your dreams, and next steps.

But it’s not….

It is about you!

It’s about Riccardo and his generosity, his skills for suturing hearts and teach the others……and his ability to forget pictures in Internal Assessments.

It’s about Elena and her passion for knowledge and doing right, her sense of justice ….and if it’s not fair…you have to hear her!!!

It’s about Bianca and her enormous growth in this two years, her kindness and her unpredictable heart …speaking about boys!

It’s about Alessia and her dedication, her great ideas, her plan b, and c and d……her enormous skills to be an anatomopatologist …not to have to deal with the alive!!

It’s about Leo and his will power and his studying everything….at home so in class he could think philosophically how to become an… attack helicopter …as his gender!

It’s about Enrico and his people skills and his desire to become a doctor…and the time I waited for him in Venice after “The Real Bodies” show while he bought a shirt…. I abandoned him!

It’s about Alessandro and his ability to get what he wants with the less effort…and his patience to pursue a dream for four years and get it…speaking about girls!

It’s about Alvise and his changing subjects…and doing IB Biology in one year on his own…….and his ability to disappear online and ……always kindly agree with me.

It’s about Benedetta and her being kind and speaking the necessary, her school skills…..and her four years to make up her mind…….speaking about boys!

It’s about Veronica and her being serious on what it matters….and not so much when it comes to …gossip!

It’s about Anna and her passion for sports and for doing well……and her not having time for anything, Anything else.

It’s about Victoria and her will to succeed no matter what…..and her writing extended essays from eleven to seven at night and make a Tik Tok video to prove it….oh and the huge amount of coffee she drinks to …survive!

It’s about Emiliano and his being centred and focused on his dreams……and his amazing patience when it comes to…..girls!

It’s about Giacomo and his manners and education…..and his not having time for anything else…till it’s too late!

It’s about Shauna and her difficult subjects …, her will to do good….and her changing colours hair ,that I liked to grab to get her out of my Biology lessons.

It’s about Ishan ..and his being educated and smart…and his highly complicated last minute biology questions….when the deadline for Internal Assessment was a long time ago …oh and his Internal Assessment not being on Biology!

It’s about Erika always the first to ask how you are and with a great passion for music and arts

It’s about you all taking me to Kentucky fried chicken wherever we went….so Padova and Venice only…unfortunately and making me like it! Oh and sushi!

And helping me through this two difficult years! Thank you!!

So it’s about you!  Go out there and get the life that you deserve!!”

Clicca qui per leggere il discorso del prof. Simone Ferraro

Clicca qui per leggere il discorso del prof. Moreno Caronello

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